Friday, May 18, 2007

what is internet?

You often friends living at distant places-may be in the neighbouring cities or states or in a far-off country like Australia or canada.After writing the lingers on in ur mind as to whether your letter would reach your friend in time .However,now you need not blther anymore about your friends gettting your letters in time.Internet is here to facilitate easy and faster communication between you and your friends.Internet,apart from removing your worry regarding missing postal letters,also saves your postal charges.The role of postman being played by internet is just one of the myraid applications available on internet.It is in fact,a storehouse of unlimited knowledge on any topic under the sun.This knowledge is also getting updated regularly.
What is Internet ?
Internet is a global collection of computers connected to one other by way of transmission of signal through terrestrials well as microwave lines.This global network links thousands of computers at universities,research institutions ,government agencies and business houses throughout the world .Using a small PC at your home anda telephone connection,you can access information from any place in the world through internet .You can access information on thousands of topics ranging from designing toys to making atomic bombs.Each computer connected to internet can communicate with the other computers .You can send or receive messages or retrieve information.Messages or information sent or received on internet is in the form of files .To exchange information on internet ,the computers connected to internet must be able to communicate with one another.This is done using a language called the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).This protocol acts as a medium of communication among numerous Internet computers .

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